It was
like a blink of the eye and I’m not exaggerating. Before I knew it, 2013 had
bowed out.
And most
of my writing goals were still on the first page of my journal, neatly written
and unachieved.
@ I will post an article everyday on my blog
@ I will write an article a day for the two Christian
blogs I subscribed to
@ I will finish the two books I started years back and
publish them… and many other lofty goals.
I started
well actually, like we all do in January. I finished one book and sent it to my
editor. I wrote a couple of articles and then…Welcome 2014!
One of the
many keys to success is assessment of past efforts. I had to review how well I
did with meeting these goals. Did I achieve them all or fall by the wayside?
What was responsible for the setbacks or failures I experienced? What lessons
have 1 learnt from them?
I know
that honest answers to these questions will help me set new realistic goals for
I assessed
myself and fell below average.
I failed
at many writing tasks I had set for myself, like writing an article each day
for the websites.
I could
not go beyond the writing and editing of one of the two books.
And I
completely abandoned my blog since January 2013! I miss this blog and the interaction it provides.
I could go
on and on with my writing failures. Not that I idled away the year, I was just
so busy doing other important things, and the irony was, I was mostly writing,
but for other purposes - church commitments, editing other people’s jobs,
teaching, and other important and not so important things.
I did not
do well achieving my personal writing goals, period.
But I’m
not giving up. 2014 is a new year, a new beginning with new opportunities.
Should I be discouraged and not set new goals?
If I fail
to set new goals, then I’m setting myself up for more failures. So, I will go
right ahead and set my goals. I will make them realistic. I will pursue them
with vigor. I will pick up from where I left off in 2013, which is what I’m
doing by writing this article. I will take it one day at a time; one sentence
at a time. Every day, I will write a word, a sentence, a paragraph, a page, but
I will not stop writing.
So help me
“I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens…” Philippians
Enjoy God’s Exceeding
What are your Writing and Reading Goals for 2014?
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