Have you ever felt like stepping
out of your body and having nothing to do with it ever again?
Well, if you’ve been through what
I’ve been through, you won’t find my question strange.
My name is Kate. I am twenty-one
years old, a former sex slave, rescued, rehabilitated and restored through the
aid of Well Spring International. This God-sent organization assists helpless
and hopeless women and children all over the world.
I was born and bred in poverty.
My mother, widowed when I was ten, released me to her elder brother who
promised to send me to school. Instead, I was turned into a domestic slave. My
uncle’s wife and children abused me physically. I still bear the scars of their
cruelty on my body.
I wasn’t quite thirteen when my
uncle first sneaked into my room, and forced himself on me. The sight of my
blood on the sheet gave me quite a fright, I threw up.
Oh, the pain still rings in my
That marked the beginning of many
nights of vicious abuse. With threats, he kept my lips sealed.
Then I got pregnant!
Before his wife found out, he
took me to a squalid clinic far from our house. There, the very first life my
body conceived was excruciatingly wrenched out of me.
Months after, my mother died. My
uncle soon sold me off to a woman who ran a brothel in our neighborhood, as
payment for a parcel of land he bought from her. With five other innocent girls,
I landed in Cambodia as a sex slave. I was fourteen. I can’t even begin to tell
you how much I suffered from people who used and abused our bodies in every
evil way unimaginable.
Oh, the pain! The defilement!
I hated my body!
Sometimes, I wished I could pull
my body over my head the way I pull my dress or simply walk out of it, as you
walk out of a house. I cried many times, but sometimes when tears run dry, I
groaned. I attempted suicide thrice, but God had other plans. He sent me help
through Well Springs International. I was not only rescued from sex slavery, I
recovered from my physical and emotional wounds. Now, I have Jesus. I am
renewed and filled with a new hope, freedom and confidence. I have a home and a
full scholarship.
But my heart still bleeds every
day for all the girls aged 7-18 trapped in sex slavery in Cambodia.
You can help.
Yes, you can.
No matter how little, donate to
fund any of the projects adopted by Well Spring International. It supports
existing organizations who seek to save women and children affected by sex
slavery, human trafficking, bride burning, AIDS/HIV, Iraq War and many more.
One hundred percent of all donations go directly to these projects
Just as the bible admonishes us
in 1
John 4:1 not to believe every spirit, but to “test the spirits to see
whether they are from God,” Wellspring International is meticulous in the
way it identifies and financially equip these organizations. It ensures funds
are used for the requested purpose. It keeps you informed with where your money
is going and the progress of each project.
Want to help and make the most
impact in situations like this? What if one hundred percent (100%) of your
donation went directly to those in need?Wellspring International is an arm of Ravi Zacharais International
Ministries. Ravi is a well known International speaker and defender of the
Christian Faith. Administered by Ravi’s daughter Naomi Zacharais , Wellspring
covers their own expenses, investigates all requests for funds thoroughly,
often going to the location. They do the research so you can be confident that
your money goes where you want it to. One Hundred Percent (100%)
of your money goes to help women
and children in crisis.
Grace is a Writer,
Editor and Proofreader. She teaches Writing Classes and motivates young writers
to write and publish their works. Her passion is to empower people through
knowledge sharing. She is the initiator of the Christian WAR Forum.
E-mail - penparables@gmail.com
©2012 PenParables
Rights: You may republish this article on your
website, newsletter, or eBook, on the condition that you agree to leave the
article, author's signature, and all links intact.
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