Writing --- Reading & Everything In -Between

Monday, November 5, 2012


Here is another definition of writing - turning words into images in the mind of readers.
That is the power of a writer. It is more art than science; the ability to add word to word to form sentences, which form paragraphs, which form an article or a book. A writer is a creator. It starts from an idea which can come from anywhere, and I mean anywhere.
Just this morning on our way to work, my husband was driving and this young girl was leading an old man across the street without looking. My husband almost hit them. Thank God he wasn’t driving fast and was able to stop in time. Well, the good news is I got two writing ideas from that. The idea for this article you are reading and another article I think I will title, “Who is leading you?”
The other day, I noticed my neighbour’s two dogs will always come and welcome us anytime we return home. Lovely friendly dogs, smiling, wagging their tails and rubbing their bodies on my legs.  But my husband doesn’t like dogs. In fact, he is wary of them. He just doesn't fancy pets of any kind. He says I'm his only pet.
There is this other dog I love down our street, very short and cute. It makes me want to have a dog. 
“Why can’t I just have one dog?”
I ask my loving husband again and again every time we drive past this adorable dog.
“You can’t have half.”
I wonder if anybody keeps half a dog.
“I won’t let it bother you. I will build a pen and lock it in.”
“Forget it.” He doesn’t even bother to think about it.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/freedigitalphotos.net

Well, I’ve been thinking. What if I go buy myself a dog, bring it home. How would he react? How will I respond and then what? This gave me a story. I will publish it soon.
Ideas are everywhere. All you need do is watch out for them.
A beggar on the street can trigger it.
A group of Christian teenagers chatting can trigger it.
The human senses are a great resource for writing ideas. Smell can trigger it: an electric cable burning or the sweet aroma of your favorite food.
What you feel can trigger it. Many great writings are rooted in the emotions of the writers. What or how you feel can inspire you to write.
Sounds can trigger it; a baby crying, a gunshot, or birds chirping.
A friend told me a story of how a diplomat from my country abandoned his wife of twenty three years for a young Ethiopian girl. The girl took from him his wealth and health. He left Ethiopia with a stroke, penniless.
That story gave me a number of writing ideas.
You can use anything you read or hear including people’s comments or opinions to develop your own article , book or story.
So when you are in need of creative ideas, look inward and outward. Ideas are everywhere and they are like butterflies. Catch them before they fly off.
Carry your journal with you everywhere.
Write all of your ideas in the journal, even those you think you won’t need. A day will come when you will find them useful.
Look through your journal everyday and you will always find more than enough to write about.
As I write this article, I looked through the window and I saw a white couple walking down the street with an African child.
That sparks off ideas!
What ideas does this scene inspire in you?
Please share them with me. 

Grace Olumayowa Aideloje
Grace is a Writer, Editor and Proofreader. She teaches Writing Classes and motivates young writers to write and publish their works. Her passion is to empower people through knowledge sharing. She is the initiator of the Christian WAR Forum.
E-mail - penparables@gmail.com
©2012 PenParables
Publishing Rights: You may republish this article on your website, newsletter, or eBook, on the condition that you agree to leave the article, author's signature, and all links intact.

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