Writing --- Reading & Everything In -Between

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Keilah Gold
Have you ever wondered why some article writers command a wide readership while others don’t? Well, there is always a way to do things right.
Here are six tips for getting people to read your articles.

Be Simple
Articles should be expository, since they usually describe and discuss theories, problems or issues. Every literate person must be able to understand your article. Minimize or avoid using uncommon acronyms and technical words or terms, so a person who is not an expert in your field may understand. Spare your readers the time to learn the language before they can read your article. Many will not go through the trouble.

Meet Needs
Before you write, you must decide on your target readers and understand their needs. Many readers read what is relevant to their career, business or life. Your article should be written for the audience you’ve cultivated and it should address current issues that affect your readers’ life.

Write Regularly
If you want regular readers, then be a regular writer. You lose readership if you are there today, gone tomorrow. Write often. Readers are disappointed when they don’t get to read their favorite articles when it’s due.

Make It Exciting
Chances are whatever it is you are about to write have already being written in some form or another. Even if you are writing about a recent well-reported event, you must make it fresh, interesting and authentic, otherwise why should people read it. Readers spend valuable time and money to read; give them the value they deserve. Let your article show you enjoy writing. There is a way you write - with passion and vigor – that makes your reader ‘feel you.’

Be Detailed
A writer worth his salt must seek knowledge.  A good writer is a good reader. Research every topic fully. Deal thoroughly with it. Your article must have a well planned structure: a beginning, middle, and an end. You must also focus your writing on what you know. Don’t delve into topics you are not familiar with just because it’s trending. Stay off sports if you don’t have a passion for it. Don’t write about politics if you don’t understand the game. Focus on your strength. Specialize.

Keep Your Doors Open
Readers want to connect and interact with writers they love. You may not respond to every mail, but make yourself accessible and receptive to comments, observations, and even criticisms. 

Keilah Gold is a member of the Christian WAR Forum.
She is a Copy Editor and works from home.
Contact: penparables@gmail.com

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